Tuesday, February 10, 2015

More on The Inside

Our graphic will be about how students can realise who God really is and how much He did in our lives. Students will be able to see how God works and hopefully understand more, even though we know that God is beyond our understanding. We also made progress in making the draft design.

Monday, February 9, 2015

What We Have Done So Far.

So Far, we have created the mind map and concept on how solitude, stillness, silence, simplicity which is hearing God's voice can help us on the inside. Like, how the 4 S's could be a way for us to be led towards the right and good path. Another concept we have gotten done is about the Fruit of the Spirit, which is : Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Self-Control and Faithfulness. For the fruit of the spirit are attributes that God would want us to know.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What we're gonna do...

    After further discussion and brainstorming, Audrey and Samuel Kevin was assigned to handle the main frame of our poster and also to add decorations alongside while Ervin and Nicholas has been assigned to fill the content for the missing boxes and aid with the decorations after all the work has been done.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Audrey andyantio biography

Her name is audrey andyanto, shes 14, born in the 23rd of march 2000. She goes to springfield international school. Lives in grand tropic, loves dancing, playing soccer and swimming yet she is not  that tall.
Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite drink is diet coke. Has 2 siblings, a bigger sister and smaller sister. Her bigger sister is ashley andyanto, aged 16 and her smaller sister is abigail andyanto, aged 8. And that is the basic knowledge to her biography.

Now, for the serious questions:
How did you arrive at being a student at sf? She said that she followed her sister that was earlier in springfield, she said that the school seemed so fun and that the wants to do the same thing.

She is known in life for making vibes around light and happy. She can dance and help others by comforting them and making better mood for other people. Her best friends said that she has a fun personality.